Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Worship...Not just for Sunday!

It seems like here lately alot of things are changing not just the seasons. Every member in our family is growing and changing in their faith. Michael and I the most! We are starting to EXPECT God to work and show up in our lives...Boy does that change alot. I find myself thinking if He doesn't show up I am in BIG trouble. I am going out on a limb giving my all (or the best I can) to the one who loved me so much He laid down his life for me before I was even a twinkle in my mothers eye.

It is amazing how different my life and days have been since I have started letting go off all my worry, insecurities, pain, doubt, and just my junk in general. My life is amazing I am blessed beyond any measure...I have a wonderful husband he loves me, protects me and most of all supports me. I have 3 amazing healthy children! I am provided for even when work is slow and rainy days are long. My cup truly runeth over and it is about time I start praising him for it.

I use to be a Sunday morning worshiper (is that a word). But I have decided to worship my Daddy all 7 days a week. I am not ashamed to say I know the one who holds my plan and I know He calls me daughter and friend. Join me rethink your worship life do you praise Him just for allowing you to wake each day...I didn't but you better believe I WILL/DO now.

I have started spending time listening to praise music inviting Daddy to join me in my everyday life asking Him what my next step should be. I have been spending more time in prayer and study just letting Him take over my life and thoughts. I wonder what impact all of this will have on my life? I wonder what letting his Spirit dwell in me will do to who I am or who you see me as? I just want more and more of my Heavenly Daddy!

Tomorrow...Thankful Thursday I will have one for every Thursday leading up to Thanksgiving.

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