Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finger of God

A blind woman was healed...
Manna fell from heaven...
Gold dust sprinkled about...
Gems falling from heaven...
A women's heart healed by 8 year olds...
A dead man brought to life......................................

These are just a few testimonies from a movie my small group watched last night. The DVD is entitled "Finger of God." Several people had been a buzz about this movie at my church for some time now and my pastors wife lent it to me to watch. I was so thrilled to finally get to sit down and watch it. I was over come by the "challenge" that the above is/should be the Christian norm. Hey that is what I want my walk with Jesus to be like:) I want to see and be part of miracles, signs and wonders. I know things like this are a tough pill to swallow for some but trust me if you experience healing you wouldn't doubt it anymore and I assume the same of the other wonders. I don't think God wants us to sit idly by and play church or "do religion" I think he wants us to do the things he has empowered us to do through the Holy Spirit. He says we will do the things he has done and even greater things. This quote from the beginning of the movie keeps ringing in my head "Religion is what you are left with when the Spirit leaves the room." WOW I don't ever want the Spirit to leave the room....or my life for that matter. So what do you think ready to start listening to God and see what he is challenging and calling you to do?? I think this is becoming my norm and the norm in my church. I like when I expect God to show up and he shows out! My walk is forever transformed!

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