Monday, October 17, 2011

Frumps to Pumps...Why?

Let me please start by giving an update so far I have gotten dressed 5 straight days. I can't believe how much better I feel about myself. This challenge is hard for me because I don't have alot of clothes but I am enjoying making new combinations out of what I do have. And today I am wearing a cute outfit linen shorts and a cute flowy tank top with flower detail. See I am not getting dressed to the nines everyday I am just dressing in more appropriate clothes for the wife, mother and daughter of a King I am suppose to be.

Now to the WHY???? I thought I was doing this for one set of reasons but like everything in life God is showing me reasons I hadn't even considered. I am doing this for myself I have been in a real low lately and had been dressing that way. But I have to say that the last 5 days getting dressed and fixing my hair are helping me to feel so much better. I entered into this doing it for my husband also...All I can say about that is he noticed and he really does appreciates me looking nice. On Friday night as we started to lay down in our bed that was made (I added that to the challenge for myself) he said "I really like coming home to less chaos and things more pulled together. And a made bed sleeps better!"

No matter how hard I try to teach my children to not judge by outward appearances the sad truth is people are going to judge you. I have experienced it first hand! As a very young mother I happen to experience this ALL THE TIME! I like to say you can never really know a persons heart if you don't take the time to get to know them. But not everyone is that way. I need to put my best foot forward so others will take me seriously as I proclaim Gods word and works in my life and lets be honest here are you going to take me serious if I am standing before you in a a stained t-shirt and lounge pants?!? Of course I would hope the words out of my mouth would be what you hear but sometimes it is hard to hear if you don't take the person seriously!

Sarah Mae's motivational this morning was great. I want to do this in freedom I am not tied to the "list" I made in my original post on this topic. It is just things I am trying to get better at. I am not disappointed if they don't happen I am realistic I have 3 small children and things don't always go as planned. But I am putting my very best foot forward on this one. I know God wants me to be dressed my productiveness when I do so I believe is evidence that I need to do this for myself and my family.

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