Monday, March 1, 2010

Snail Mail

This morning I spent a while writing thank you notes to all the sweet people who lifted us up after Michael's PawPaw passing. And as I was doing so I remembered just how much I loved getting something other than bills in my mail box. So I am trying to come up with some kind of system to help me stay on task...But I would like to send no less then 2 cards to friends or family each week. I think it would really brighten a persons day and also be a good way to keep in touch with each other. I personally love nothing more than a magazine coming, a sweet note or a funny article someone cut out and mailed to me! I will keep you up to date on how this goes. Maybe I will inspire someone else to do the same. I have a friend Brandy who is so good at this. I would love to be more like her. So if you get a message from me asking for your mailing address or birthday or anniversary just play along. I KNOW this will be a true blessing to someone!

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