I have really neglected this blog lately. But I have a great excuse...I have been enjoying my family this Christmas season. Our holiday hop as I nicknamed it this year started on Thursday when we loaded up and traveled 1 hour north to stay a couple days with my in-laws.
On the first night of our visit we made our way to Santa's Village. We aren't huge Santa people but this is a fun experience for the kids and my father-in-law joined us making it even more fun. I am so glad we went. Even though we don't do Santa at our house Cooper is amazed by him so it was a great experience for him since it was his first time to go. Fun was had by all that is for sure!
Pictures with Santa. Cooper was amazed and really didn't talk. Duece asked for a dog! And Jesse proclaimed the best gift would be if we got a dog and send Dueces cat Joey to a new home...only my kids!
I love our traditions and wouldn't change the way we do Christmas morning for anything. I love how appreciative our kids were and are. I am so proud of who they are becoming. But honestly the stress created by our hopping from family to family I could do without. Next year...we think we might go and serve meals at a soup kitchen instead!